Description Returns :status notifications for the given :account, :type, and :filter ordered by time descending.
Filters can be set for all notification types at once with ':filter.default' or for each type
individually. For example, if you want to use specific filters for vote notifications,
you can define them with ''.
The vote amount filter uses absolute values. So, when setting 'minVoteAmount' to '0.1',
the results will also include downvotes with an amount equal to or lower than '-0.1'.
Example /notifications_api/getFilteredNotificationsByStatusType/steemchiller/new/follow/{"default":{"minSP":1000,"minReputation":50}}
Parameters Name Type Optional Default Min. Max. Allowed Values :account account_name No :status fixed_value No - all
- new
- old
:type fixed_value No - vote
- reply
- follow
- mention
- resteem
:filter json_object No See details :limit int Yes 250 1 2500 :offset int Yes 0 0
Max. Limit 2500
Result JSON Object
:filter ( json_object ) Name Type Optional Allowed Values .default json_object Yes See details .follow json_object Yes See details .mention json_object Yes See details .reply json_object Yes See details .resteem json_object Yes See details .vote json_object Yes See details
:filter.default ( json_object ) Name Type Optional Default Allowed Values .exclude bool Yes false - true
- false
- 1
- 0
.minSP float Yes 0 .minReputation float Yes -100 .minVoteAmount float Yes 0
:filter.follow ( json_object ) Name Type Optional Default Allowed Values .exclude bool Yes false - true
- false
- 1
- 0
.minSP float Yes 0 .minReputation float Yes -100
:filter.mention ( json_object ) Name Type Optional Default Allowed Values .exclude bool Yes false - true
- false
- 1
- 0
.minSP float Yes 0 .minReputation float Yes -100
:filter.reply ( json_object ) Name Type Optional Default Allowed Values .exclude bool Yes false - true
- false
- 1
- 0
.minSP float Yes 0 .minReputation float Yes -100
:filter.resteem ( json_object ) Name Type Optional Default Allowed Values .exclude bool Yes false - true
- false
- 1
- 0
.minSP float Yes 0 .minReputation float Yes -100 ( json_object ) Name Type Optional Default Allowed Values .exclude bool Yes false - true
- false
- 1
- 0
.minSP float Yes 0 .minReputation float Yes -100 .minVoteAmount float Yes 0
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